

7 Things That Will Change The Way You Approach Hair Growth

iAremyHair_7 Things Will Change The Way You Approach Hair Growth

Everyone wants to have a full, thick head of hair. The search for some magical cure that can change and make your hair grow faster is in vain, but we might have solutions! Here’s a detailed guide featuring different approaches that have shown tremendous results in hair growth.

Hair growth has been an ongoing battle for many people, and it’s only getting worse. Due to stress, diet, and lack of activity, our hair doesn’t grow like it used to. Because of this, many new remedies have popped up to try and fix the problem. While these remedies can have noticeable effects on your hair in the short term, in the long run, they might not be doing you as much good as you think. 

Some people have been battling major hair loss for years. This is usually a result of medical issues, such as autoimmune disorders. There is also alopecia areata, which causes patches of hair to fall out and not grow back.  Androgenetic alopecia is a genetic pattern of baldness that affects men and women alike. Although both conditions can occur at any age, they often start in childhood or early adulthood. 

It’s a must to be as informed as possible to ensure you’re making the right choices for your hair and how you approach its growth journey.

Hair growth cycle

To understand how to grow hair, you must first know what factors affect hair growth. Each strand of hair has its life cycle that includes three distinct phases: Anagen (growth), Catagen (regression), and Telogen (resting). Your hair follicles cycling through these phases allows hair to grow. However, this natural process of the hair growth cycle can cause many problems that lead to thinning hair and hair loss.

Your hair grows approximately 1 cm per month during anagen — about a quarter-inch per week. This phase can last anywhere from two to six years on average. Each person’s anagen phase is different; it all depends on genetics and overall health. Additionally, people with naturally curly or kinky hair have longer anagen phases than those with straight strands. Once your follicle reaches its maximum length, it enters the catagen phase where there is little to no activity for about one to two weeks. It is the transitional stage and forms what is known as club hair— hair that has stopped growing since it has been cut off from its blood supply. Finally, telogen takes over until your follicle re-enters anagen and begins growing again.

Get more in-depth with some causes of hair loss.

Things to Change Your Hair Growth

If you’re dealing with issues such as hair loss or balding, or if you simply want to thicken up your hair, there are certain things that can change the way you approach your hair growth issues.

1) Trimming Is Crucial

Trimming lessens split ends and keeps your hair looking healthy. If you’re balding or losing a lot of hair, trimming regularly can help prevent more hair from falling out since it removes dead strands that are on their way out anyway. In addition to keeping your hair healthier, regular trims will also make it grow faster because they remove damaged portions of hair that would otherwise be in its path as it grows.

2) All Shampoos Are Not Created Equal

Yes, all shampoos might give your hair a good cleaning, but that’s where their similarities end. Some have been proven to increase hair growth; others slow it down and decrease fullness. It’s important to pay attention to what you’re using on your scalp. If you aren’t seeing results or you’re getting dandruff, dry scalp, or frizzy hair, you better try a different brand or type of shampoo that will do its job like a nourishing one. A good shampoo should hydrate, cleanse, and boost collagen to increase your hair growth. Your locks will thank you for it!

3) The Importance of A Good Night’s Sleep 

Lack of sleep, or poor quality sleep, can cause your hormone levels to fluctuate and make it harder for your body to repair itself. If you’re trying to improve your hair growth but aren’t getting good results, ask yourself if you’re getting enough rest. It might be time to just get some sleep. 

4) Healthy Diet Prevents Breakage

Eating a healthy diet is essential for our overall health, and it’s no different when it comes to hair growth. When your body is in peak condition, your hair follicles will respond accordingly, resulting in thick and beautiful locks. Consume natural foods like fruits and vegetables but if you have nutritional deficiencies, consult with your doctor about supplements that can help fill those gaps. People with alopecia can also help their condition by consuming antioxidants, protein, and zinc-filled food.

5) Invest in the Best Products

Everyone’s hair is different, but most experts will agree that investing in good quality products will achieve healthy hair and might even boost growth. Even if you have a routine down pat, it’s a good idea to swap out your usual conditioner and other stylers every once in a while—that way, your hair is getting more consistent care. It’s also recommended to use heat protection before heading out. Don’t think twice about investing in good products since harsh and cheap chemicals will damage your hair more like what we explained in our previous blog. 

6) Drinking Water Helps Stop Dryness

Drinking enough water is essential for healthy hair. Not only will it prevent dryness, but adequate hydration can also encourage new hair growth, slow down graying, and increase hair thickness and shine. For best results, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. If you’re serious about your hair health, don’t rely on coffee or other caffeinated beverages to reach your daily quota since caffeine dehydrates your body more.

7) Consult A Doctor 

While patience might be key, you may also experience itchiness, flaking, and sensitivity when starting a new hair growth regimen. You also shouldn’t expect instant results since there might be medical conditions that you’re unaware of like androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Even if you try multiple hair care products, with such a condition, you will need medication to solve the problem. And it won’t be a fast process like you might want it to be.

A Good Alternative

However, instead of waiting months or years to see results, why not try an alternative? While you’re taking medications or getting frustrated with the wait, a hair replacement system is a great way to instantly hide thinning hair and start looking like you have a full head of thick locks again. The best part about hair systems is that they completely look natural once applied correctly. And with proper care, they can last for up to two years!

See how the Remy Hair Replacement System lasts longer. 

Where Do You Get A Good Hair Replacement System?

If you’re ready to learn more about how a human hair system can help improve your appearance, contact us today. With Aremyhair, you can get a hair replacement system made from real human hair. It is easy to install and will give you natural-looking results. We have many different styles to choose from so that you can get exactly what you want. We’ll be happy to schedule an appointment with one of our experts who can answer any questions you might have. Just book an appointment with us through these numbers, +65 6225 2022 or +65 9641 3620.

BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Aremyhair Singapore NOW

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