

LIVING WITH WIGS—is there a better alternative?

Wig Alternative - AREMYHAIR

Men in awkward toupees and women with wigs blowing off have always been portrayed humorously in movies and TV. Scenes and anecdotes like these often become a source of comedic relief. And so, we’ve learned to laugh and poke fun at people with fake hair.

In real life, there’s nothing funny about the embarrassment and anguish felt by people who are losing their hair. At least half of the population suffer from hair loss, especially as they advance in age. These aren’t just stories but a reality they have to live with every day.

If you’re one of the millions of men and women around the world who are grappling with hair-loss problems, read on as we tell your story. Or share this blog to friends and loved ones who are in the same boat. And maybe then everyone will think twice about laughing it off.

What’s Hair Replacement System all about? READ HERE


Take the case of Adrienne, 43, who travelled to Singapore to meet with valuable clients. The night before the meeting, she noticed that clumps of her hair had fallen off while she was in the shower. Looking into the mirror, she realised she had bald patches all over her scalp!

With a hastily-wrapped scarf around her head, Adrienne scoured the hotel shops for a wig, but there was none. She spotted one at the window of a hair salon several blocks away. It had closed for the night, but she begged the owner to let her buy a wig, any wig.    

The usually confident Adrienne wasn’t in her A-game on the day of her critical meeting. The colour of her wig didn’t exactly go well with her complexion and was a bit too flashy. She kept adjusting it, which detracted from her otherwise brilliant presentation.

Her visible discomfort also made her clients uneasy, and the meeting didn’t go as planned. What very few people knew at the time was that Adrienne had breast cancer. She’d undergone her last round of chemotherapy just some weeks before her business trip.

What is Remy Hair? FIND OUT HERE


Imagine what it must be like to be a teenager sitting for your O-Levels in Singapore, and people keep asking what’s wrong with your hair. Peter was just a kid, around 14 to 16 years old when he first experienced the harsh realities of hair loss. 

For years, he’d been seeing the family doctor who could only tell him, “It’s in your genes. There’s no cure.” Peter was then studying in New Zealand, where he tried different hairstyles to hide his condition—only to be asked by a stylist whether he had burnt off his hair.

He would go on to try several hair treatment options, all with inferior results. Deeply affected by his hair loss, Peter was determined to do something about it before graduating from university and landing his first job. 

That was in the 1990s when hair replacement systems tended to be overly thick and artificial-looking. Peter tried his best to sport simple hairstyles with the top blended in, but hairpieces in those days were bulky and uncomfortable. He endured endless sales talks and empty promises, which led to him spending up to $8,000 a year.

Hair Replacement vs Hair Transplant. TAP HERE TO KNOW MORE


Back in the ’90s, people suffering from hair loss had very few options, and most of them were risky or expensive or both. Like Adrienne and Peter, many have had to settle for unnatural-looking hairpieces. Many just accepted their condition at the expense of their confidence.

Minoxidil and Propecia hadn’t been widely available at the time. Besides, they weren’t advisable for people like Adrienne who were under medical treatment. Even today, some people experience adverse reactions and allergies from these drugs.

Hair weaving was common in the early ‘90s to 2000s. It entails tying the hairpiece to what natural hair a person had left. The hairpiece has to be very thick for the process to work. That creates an unnatural, bulky look, and often causes more hair loss due to traction alopecia.

Then there’s hair transplant, a non-reversible procedure that, if performed poorly, causes scarring. While the new donor hair grows, the original hair continues to fall off, resulting in an imbalanced look. Moreover, the procedure is expensive and entails a lengthy recovery period.

Getting a hair replacement system was the safest and most cost-effective course of action a few decades back. Then again, many of the hairpieces didn’t look appealing—it was apparent they were fake hair, and felt a lot like it, too!

Know what clients are saying about Aremyhair, TAP HERE


As a trained accountant, Peter began to wonder whether there was a lower-cost alternative to the hair replacement systems available in the market. As fate would have it, he was recruited as a manager for the Advanced Hair Studio franchise in Singapore in 2000. 

He jumped at the opportunity of running a business, especially one with perks that include getting a free hair replacement system. Two years later, Peter got an offer to take over the company. In less than 24 hours, he made a decision from which Aremyhair was born.

Aremyhair founder and owner Peter Lim has always believed in an ethical way to run the business, rather than go for the hard-sell approach. More importantly, he wanted to provide natural-looking and undetectable hairpieces, so his clients need not suffer as he did.

Despite the boom in hair weaving back then, Aremyhair has never adopted it. The company was among the minority that used tapes and bonding as hair attachment methods. Himself a wearer of hair replacement systems, Peter knows firsthand that only these kinds of adhesives can give clients a natural look and superior comfort.

CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO for the story behind Aremyhair


Peter is committed to making Aremyhair’s services accessible to as many people as possible. He is living proof that women and men with hair loss problems can overcome adversity and need not suffer from the pain and anguish that the likes of him and Adrienne experienced.  

That’s why Aremyhair doesn’t just sell hairpieces; it offers a complete hair replacement programme. It gives clients the option of paying a monthly fee, which entitles them to a full range of hair replacement solutions. What it means for the client is 100% control of their finances. It’s not like those instalment plans where one’s credit limit is taken immediately.

As someone who’s been a victim of empty promises and false claims, Peter backs claims and about Aremyhair’s products and services with hard facts and client testimonials. To illustrate, here are excerpts of findings from recent research done by Singapore Management University (SMU) involving online surveys, interviews, and a mystery shopping experiment:

Our very own Peter Lim understands how it feels to be judged and limited by hair loss. But he not only found ways to overcome it, he also embarked on a personal crusade to help others like him by founding Aremyhair in 2003. 

Soon enough, the company started gaining industry respect receiving accolades, including a Promising 500 SME Award in 2012 and being included in the Circle of Excellence in Beauty & Wellness Industry in 2013. It also won the Singapore Heartland Enterprise Star Award (Most Innovative), Promising Enterprise Category in 2015. 

If Adrienne’s and Peter’s stories resonated with you, let Aremyhair help you achieve the full life you deserve with self-confidence and positivity. We’re here to assist you in finding the solution works best for you, so contact us now and let’s get you started NOW! 

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