

HAIR TRANSPLANT and HAIR REPLACEMENT SYSTEM: Hair-Loss Solutions that Young People Prefer


Did you know that more and more people under 18 are losing their hair?! It’s not just millennials but the younger Generation Z as well (the oldest of whom would be 25). In Singapore alone, Aremyhair gets hair replacement clients as young as 16, according to Peter Lim.

Peter, who himself experienced baldness at an early age, has made a crusade of helping young people overcome their hair challenges. In many of his consultations, Peter found that hair transplant and hair replacement systems are the most favoured options among the younger generation.

It’s no secret: hair loss affects at least 30 million men, mostly Caucasian. Male pattern baldness is common among those in their 40s and older. However, recent studies indicate an increasing number of teenaged and twenty-something males showing noticeable signs of receding hairlines and bald spots.

So, what’s causing them to lose their hair? And is there another alternative besides invasive surgery and fake hair, like wigs, toupees, weaves, and extensions?

TAP HERE for Before-and-After Hair Replacement images


Remember the Baby Boomers? They’d be in their mid-50s and 70s by now, and grandparents to most of Gen Z. In their time, going bald was part of growing older, particularly for men. Nearly all Boomers expect to lose some if not all their hair during their lifetime.

One would think that Gen Z guys would have it better, what with today’s medical/scientific advancements and tech/digital advantages. But it seems that not even the popularity of ‘going organic’ and ‘back-to-nature’ movements could keep them from going hairless.

The most common causes of hair loss in young men and women today are autoimmune diseases, hormonal changes, and thyroid disorders. However, the top ‘culprits’ are stress, inadequate nutrition, and improper hair maintenance. 

Research by the American Psychological Association (APA) shows that people in their 40s and below have the highest stress levels. Younger people feel the most pressure about their work, job stability, and finances.

It could also be that their eating habits are contributing to premature hair loss, particularly with the popularity of lacto-ovo, vegetarian, and vegan diets. Drastically reduced protein consumption and vitamin/nutrient deficiencies negatively affect hair growth, according to Dermatology Practical & Conceptual.   

What’s more, the younger generation could be ‘caring’ for their hair the wrong way. With so many styling, treatment, and product options at their fingertips, teenagers and twenty-somethings could be overdoing it.

For instance, too much bleaching and dyeing can seriously damage hair follicles. And some hair products with harsh chemical ingredients can cause thinning of the hair.

Why go for an Aremyhair Hair Replacement System? HERE’S WHAT THE PUBLIC SAYS


In less than a decade, the number of Asians seeking hair-loss solutions has increased. That includes Chinese and Japanese people, who used to be among the least likely to go bald, according to Men’s Health Forum. 

South China Morning Post says that more Chinese people today are waging a war with hair loss, and they’re getting younger too. The same is true in Korea and Taiwan, based on another study on hair loss.

“We’ve been getting a lot of 15- and 16-year-old clients lately,” says Peter. “Our clientele used to be much older, but in the past few years, we’ve been providing hair replacement systems to more people in their mid-20s.” 

Wigs seem to be a turn-off for the younger set because these could be blown off, and are inconvenient to wear and keep in place. Meanwhile, hair weaves and extensions could put undue strain on the scalp.

Is there a better alternative to wigs? FIND OUT HERE


A hair transplant is a procedure where a surgeon takes strips of skin with hair and repositions them on bald patches or thinned-out areas. The ‘donor hair’ is usually cut out from the back or sides of the head, and inserted into tiny holes or slits that are surgically cut into the scalp.

The surgery may take up to eight hours even as an outpatient procedure. It may also require several sessions, with healing periods in between. In most cases, it takes around two years for the process to be finished, barring complications.

As with any other surgical procedure, there’s a risk of bleeding, infection, and scarring. There’s also a probability that the donor hair will grow unevenly or won’t grow at all. It could mean further operations to correct or repeat the process. 

On the other hand, a hair replacement system does not entail surgery or any invasive procedure. It involves taking a hairpiece made of natural or synthetic human hair and attaching it to the scalp using adhesives or bonding materials. 

The entire process takes less than two hours and no pain at all. However, a few people have experienced feeling hot or uncomfortable with the hairpiece. One might also experience itching or allergies if the hairpiece isn’t adequately cleaned or given regular maintenance. 

Hair replacement systems can be shampooed, cut, and styled like natural hair. You don’t even have to take it off when you go swimming or hit the gym. It may have to be replaced from time to time due to the usual wear and tear, and since it’s in constant contact with the skin’s natural acids.

Wondering if you’re the right candidate for a hair replacement system? It’s a resounding YES! Anyone with a hair-loss problem, regardless of the cause, can sign up for it—males and females, young and old. 

So, if you’re looking for a solution to thinned-out or bald patches, a hair replacement system is a sound option. Ask Peter or any of the staff at Aremyhair, and they’d be glad to answer any more of your questions.

Regardless of how you choose to address the problem, you can relax in the thought that there is a solution. Let your hair down and swagger out into the world because you can have that full head of hair you’ve always wanted!

Want to talk about it? BOOK AN APPOINTMENT with Aremyhair now!

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