

6 Tips for Hair Loss Prevention That Actually Work!

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You might have noticed some concerning signs that point to hair loss, that’s why you found yourself here. Or even if you aren’t particularly worried about losing hair, it’s reassuring to know that there are effective remedies out there for you.

If that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place!

We understand how a number of solutions are no better than snake oil products with each of them promising to be “the revolution”. But in reality, there are only a few of them that actually deliver! So, we’ve narrowed down your options to six and also offered our own alternative hair loss prevention option that can be perfect for you! Read on below to know all about it!

1. Tweak your diet

This advice may be repeatedly hammered too many times by health experts, but rightfully so. When we’ve strayed so far from living healthy, it’s good to go back to basics. There’s so much to gain when you bank on the right nutrients especially when you aim to target hair loss. Incorporating food options that are beneficial for hair growth can inadvertently prevent excessive hair shedding due to nutrient deficiencies.

Micronutrients are major elements in the normal hair follicle cycle, and that translates to healthy servings of vitamins A, B, C, D, and E. Minerals such as iron, selenium, and zinc are also important for hair health. In addition, food sources that are rich in protein are also important additions because aside from boosting hair health, it also prevents a significant number of hair follicles from going into the resting phase which results in hair loss.

There are certain diets that can help you avert potential hair loss. A 2017 study published in the Archives of Dermatological Research found an association between the herbs and vegetables in the Mediterranean diet and a decreased risk of androgenetic alopecia, or pattern baldness, in males. While there are diets that are good and sustainable, you should also avoid jumping onto fad diets that may do you more harm than good. Without proper nutritional guidance, you can end up stressing your digestive balance which can also be detrimental to your body including your hair.

2. Try supplements

Sometimes, what we have on our plate may not be enough to give us the necessary nutrients we need on a daily basis. This is why we turn to supplements to help fill in those gaps. But we must learn how to approach supplement use wisely when your intent is to address hair loss.

We need to understand that despite the widespread use of hair vitamins and nutrients, there’s little clinical data that support their ability to TREAT hair conditions. That means you should never look at these products as a cure.

Studies have shown that these supplements are only effective in people whose hair issues are linked to an existing nutrient deficiency. So, instead of arbitrarily taking supplements to promote hair growth, work with a health professional first. They can help you determine the underlying cause of hair loss and screen for deficiencies that can be treated through diet and carefully selected supplements.

3. Take a hair loss medication

Hair loss medications are tested and proven solutions to control hair loss. They either come in oral or topical form, which makes it an easy and convenient measure to address excessive hair fall.

However, these treatments should come with medical advice and proper monitoring. Topical treatments, for instance, can be easily bought over-the-counter, but even then, it’s best to use it with clearance from a doctor who has evaluated your case.

The reason is that, on top of its therapeutic action, hair loss medications also come with side effects. The widely used topical form have been linked to sexual side effects in men such as impotence, low libido, and abnormal ejaculation among many others.

This is not to dissuade you from taking medications, but to caution you that you use these products under clinical advice. In that way, you can safely prevent hair loss progression and also manage side effects as well as potential adverse outcomes.

4. Cut back on stress

Stress is one of the major culprits behind hair loss. If left unguarded, it can cause the hair to stop growing and lead to excessive shedding. Stress can also trigger an autoimmune response where the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles resulting in hair loss referred to as alopecia areata. Meanwhile, stress-induced hair loss that is not related to immune or genetic factors is called telogen effluvium.

The hormones released when your body is under stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle. This disruption can cause your hair to go into a longer rest period which eventually stops hair growth.

But how you de-stress is up to you. You can start by committing to consistent rest periods, frequent exercise, and eating healthy. You can also try some stress management techniques you can do at home such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing. You can also speak with your doctor to know other methods, if necessary. The sooner you talk to a medical professional, the more likely you are to prevent irreversible damage.

5. Try Low-Level Light Therapy (LLLT)

LLLT is a non-surgical hair loss treatment that uses laser light to stimulate cell growth, combat hair loss, and improve the appearance of your hair. It involves the use of a laser device that has good safety profiles. It’s a painless therapy with minor adverse effects reported.

This treatment has to be done regularly to see noticeable improvement. It will also require several sessions to achieve the desired results. It’s not just a stand-alone treatment, LLLT can also use it to augment the effects of other treatments.

LLLT treatments are often offered in aesthetic clinics, or you can purchase your own portable device which are sold in the form of helmets or combs. But, as much as they are convenient, the fluence, or the intensity of light, may not be as strong compared to the ones used in clinics. Hence, it’s still best to opt for professional care if you want to get your money’s worth.

6. Avoid hairstyles that pull on the hair

Some forms of hair loss are caused by your hairstyle. Tight ponytails, braids, cornrows, and extensions can pull and provide stress on your hair follicles. With repeated tension, these hairstyles can result in traction alopecia. It’s a form of acquired hair loss that results from prolonged and repetitive tension to the scalp hair.

If caught early on, this type of hair loss can be reversed. But with prolonged pressure, it can also lead to permanent damage.

Don't Sacrifice Good Hair in the Name of Style

One way to check if your hairstyle is harming your hair is to assess for early signs of hair loss. You can do this by checking for any broken hairs around your forehead, a receding hairline, or patches of hair loss where your hair is pulled tightly. Other signs of traction alopecia include:

  • your hair parting widens
  • a receding hairline usually around the forehead, temples, or nape
  • small pimples appear on the scalp or at the base of braids
  • redness, itching, and ulcers on the scalp
  • patches of thin or broken hair in places where the hair has been under strain
  • patches of shiny, scarred skin in more advanced cases

When constant pressure is applied, most people eventually notice that hair will also stop growing, especially in advanced stages of traction alopecia.

But this doesn’t mean that you skip styling your hair altogether just so you can keep them on your head. You can still choose to look good, but you have to choose hairstyles that are not traumatic to your follicles.

Read: 3 Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatments to Restore Hair Fast!

Aremyhair can also help you prevent further hair loss!

However, when hair loss has progressed so extensively, Aremyhair can help you to manage the problem. It’s not a treatment, but it can be a reliable method to conceal any problem. It’s a promise that you still have a choice to look good even in the middle of significant hair shedding, or even while you’re still in the process of recovery.

Those who have to skip their tight hairstyles can also use this option to still get a full head of hair to style. These advanced systems are a far cry from the traditional wigs you’re used to. You first have to undergo a design consultation so that it’s fully tailored to be woven safely and comfortably onto your natural hair.

Our customisable pieces can help you hide the problem and still make it look like the real deal! It can even be worn while you’re still in the process of treating your real hair and as you wait for it to grow. There’s no need to worry if it will damage your natural hair because the hair specialist will take proper care not to damage the hair underneath when attaching it. Hence, it can be a great temporary fix or a long-term option. This is why hair replacement systems are a smart and viable solution even for hair loss prevention!

So whether you’re at the end of your rope, or in the process of restoring a full head of hair using other methods, we’re here to be your aesthetic solution! Request for a private consultation today at +65 6225 2022 or +65 9641 3620.

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